Kurven lassen sich antrainieren

Acht irre Po-Transformationen


Diese Frauen beweisen: Mit richtigem Training und Ernährung lassen sich wahre Po-Wunder vollbringen.  

Seit dem Kardashian-Hype rückt der Hintern in den Fokus, kurvige Pos sind das neue Dekolleté. Das Tolle an diesen Nachrichten: Wer was an dem Volumen seines Hintern etwas ändern will, muss sich nicht unters Messer legen. Mit viel Schweiß, Disziplin und der richtigen Ernährung kann man viel erreichen. Squats, Squats und nochmal Squats, denn: ohne Fleiß, kein Preis.

Wir haben acht Frauen auf Instagram gefunden, die beweisen, wie man seine Po-Ansicht nach seinen eigenen Vorstellungen optimieren kann:

1.) Nika: Die Vegan-Athletin hat ihren Po antrainiert


4 years between these photos and nearly a 40 pound difference, all done VEGAN!  #gainingweightiscool #VegansCanBuildMuscle #DontBeDumb

Ein von Nika ???? I'm 6 ft (@fitnika101) gepostetes Foto am

2.) Meggan aus London hat ihren Po binnen zweieinhalb Jahren an ihre Wunschgröße anwachsen lassen - mit viel Training!


4 years between these photos and nearly a 40 pound difference, all done VEGAN!  #gainingweightiscool #VegansCanBuildMuscle #DontBeDumb

Ein von Nika ???? I'm 6 ft (@fitnika101) gepostetes Foto am

3.) Bei Kassidy stand die Straffung ihres Pos im Vordergrund

 4.) Karina hat für ihren Traum-Po vier Jahre trainiert

5.) Nessa aus Deutschland hat der Cellulite den Kampf angesagt - und war erfolgreich!


A reflection on when I started my journey and how my journey changed the way I see progress ???????? I remember the first day of my journey, I had those progress pictures of other girls in my head and my goal was to change my legs and my bum. But they were the most stubborn to change. I got already pretty nice abs and shoulders but although I was happy, I also felt disappointed at the same moment. I wanted my legs to slim down and get rid of the cellulite! Then another few weeks passed by and finally I started to see my legs and my skin improving. But this progress was not linear. I had ups and downs, I hit a plateau a few times, there was a time I felt frustrated and hopeless. And now I know it was so wrong... I shouldn't have seen progress only as an overall change in my body. I should have been happy with the small changes because they usually don't happen overnight and you still need to work hard to achieve them. Progress is not only your body transformation, those are all the non-scale victories along the way: to be able reach the 4th floor without stopping in the middle to get your breath, to wake up in the early morning and be energized enough to smash your workout before your work starts, to see more muscle definition or to tighten your belt to the next notch. It feels so much better not to categorize a success as an event to complete but fall in love with the daily steps and achievements. If you start noticing what you like about your body in the mirror instead of what you want to change about it, yes, this is what it is all about ❤️✔️ #girlswholift #lifting #transformation #beforeandafter #bbgprogress #bbg2017 #bbg #sweatwithkayla #kaylaitsines #transformationtuesday

Ein von Nessa (@nessasphere) gepostetes Foto am

6.) Keish ist eine Fit-Mom, die ihre Erfolge auf Instagram teilt

#transformationtuesday ???? nothing or no one in this world could ruin my happiness. Believe that. I'm sooo slaying my weightloss goals after many setbacks and sacrifices. Living in a society of instant gratification, it can be hard for some to grasp that true sustainable results simply take time. I have no problem reiterating the fact... No, I do not wear corsets, waist trainers or had a tummy tuck. No surgeries, no pills, no wraps... nada! To each their own. For me, my progress and results are a direct reflection of my grind, in and out of the gym. First pregnancy 2011, I lost 100 lbs in 10 months... 34 months to lose 114 lbs in total. Second pregnancy 2015, 41lbs in 5 months. Both achieved by eating efficiently and exercising effectively and consistently. Both transformations are on this progress page along with resourceful tips I use(d) showing that results can be achieved all on your own by being productive on a consistent basis. You've got to hold yourself accountable and make room for flexibility and failure. Every day isn't going to be perfect. But just as long as you genuinely try to do the very best that you can each and every day, that's what matters most. I'm not out here trying to sell dreams or convince otherwise. I created this page to show how I went about reclaiming my health and body after experiencing pregnancy. I'm so very thankful that my story has been made aware helping others. And I hope this page continues to serve as motivation and inspiration to those in need whenever in need. Your motivating comments and remarks inspire me so much in return. ???? You can personally interact with me, get a meal plan or workout plan simply by heading over to my site Motiweightion.com (I reply to serious inquiries) ... Ht:5'7 Wt:Happy&Healthy✌ #squatsnoshots #nowaisttraining #notummytuck #nosleeve #nolipo #nosurgeries #nopills #nopreservatives #authentic #teamnatural #willpower #trainandtransform #csection #fitmom #kekkeish #nutritionist #rawandreal2016 #motiweightion #motivation

Ein von ????keish@motiweightion CN LD (@kek_keish) gepostetes Foto am

7.) Kelsey ist kaum wiederzuerkennen! Hunderttausende Follower folgen der Fit-Expertin auf Instagram

This may be my transformation photo, but it is NOT a photo of my transformation. You can't photograph the growth of #selflove and the blossoming of a body positive attitude. Just looking at this photo you would have no idea of how I've "transformed" -- how I've slowly, joyfully, and even painfully discovered so much and fought to be myself and love myself and see myself without a cloud of negativity surrounding my reflection. You would have no idea of the changes that TRULY matter, because they are not physical ones. That is why I write -- why I go on and on with these obscenely long captions cause even though I don't know how to say it half the time or if I even make sense or if anyone reads it, it is all that really matters and all I really want you to see. Let me be clear: my internal changes are NOT byproducts of my physical changes, but the other way around. There was nothing wrong with my body before, but there was with how I viewed it. That is why I'm so fiercely passionate about helping women live active and healthy lifestyles. Not to change the way they look, but HOW they look at themselves. I believe as we take care of ourselves physically, we come to realize we are WORTH being taken care of, and appreciation and love for our amazing bodies starts to blossom. To me, fitness isn't about looking a certain way or being a certain size. It is about FEELING a certain way. It is a tool with which we can nurture self love and confidence and appreciation and a lense with which we can more clearly see how beautiful, capable, and powerful our bodies are.???? #bbgprogress #transformation #fit #fitness #workout #fitfam #sweat #fitmom #fitmoms #happy #healthy #transformationtuesday #beforeandafter #fitchick #bbg #bbgcommunity #bbgmoms #bbgmums #mysweatlife #fitspo #fitspiration #motivation #selflove #bodypositive

Ein von Kelsey Wells (@mysweatlife) gepostetes Foto am

8.) Angelica hat ihre neuen Rundungen viel Disziplin und hartem Training zu verdanken

When people say lifting weights will make you look manly ????I disagree!! Lifting weights have made me feel more like a woman than before????????????

Ein von Fit Model + Trainer in LA (@angelicakathleen) gepostetes Foto am

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